Miranda Clark





I create sculpture and drawings that recall spaces I once inhabited.

I frequently return to a memory of the 24 mile long Causeway Bridge located in New Orleans, La. As it stretched across the horizon one summer night, the dense humidity diffused the headlights of the crossing vehicles into a line of light dividing the dark landscape. Although I crossed this bridge daily for several years, this one fleeting experience still holds me captive. The surreal nature of that memory, among others, influences my work to explore the balance between form and beauty within a controlled process.

My process begins by drafting the space as a section view, layering experiences like new furnishings. The drawing is then cut out to reveal its angular beauty and form, a method which also flattens the section into a refined plan view. The remaining structural lines and negative space guide the construction of preliminary models returning the plan view into a  three dimensional form. Final objects are produced with a CNC machine, a method I find to be the most objective and efficient way to build these abstractions. The tranquil drawings transform into cold and apathetic artifacts.

Recent works reflect my deep interest in how architecture forms our human experience and can even affect memory itself.  The growing popularity of memory palaces is an example of this. My sculptures are personal memory palaces commemorating the inexplicable and banal experiences that have shaped my worldview.